Program Handouts
Click the links below to view documents from special EFV programs

From "Container Gardening 101" program
Medicare Update for 2025
Joan Adler presented a Zoom session on Medicare options, November 12, 2024. Here are some of the resources that she discussed. They are PDF format. Depending on your device and browser, they may open automatically, or you may have to look for your Downloads folder.
A-Quick-Look-at-Medicare What are Parts A, B, C, and D? Differences between original Medicare and Medicare Advantage; and more.
2025 MEDIGAP-Plan-Benefits Highlighted Medicare Supplement Insurance plans that cover much of the deductibles in original Medicare.
Useful links:
www.medicare.gov Only the official site has .gov at the end! Don't trust any other!
medicaresupp.org Medicare Supplements (Medigap) are sold only through brokers. The brokers on this site are pledged to act on your behalf - not to steer you to the plan with the highest commissions for them.
No YouTube recording of this year's presentation, but click here to see last year's, with plenty of audience discussion (YouTube, 75 minutes).
How Not to Get Scammed
Our Tech team presented a session on recognizing and avoiding scams - whether email, phone, or text. CLICK HERE for their slide show (PDF). And CLICK HERE for many useful online resources.
Presented November 10, 2023
We've collected the YouTube recordings of more than a dozen Zoom presentations, and put them on a new page. Click the button to see them. Take me to the Re-Zoom page!
How to Listen to a Good Book
This event at the Falls Library introduced us to the Libby app, which gives library users access to audiobooks, as well as other library holdings. Click these links to view Drew Birden's Introduction to Libby and Mary Flournoy's guide to Using Libby.
Decluttering Tips
On August 12, 2022 Beth Hymel gave a very useful presentation on decluttering. Click here to view the two handouts:
Decluttering and Organizing Tips
Donating and Consigning (Updated 12/8/2024). New! Click here for an online version of "Donating and Consigning," with clickable links.
Note: These handouts are slightly revised from the handouts given out at the program.
Easy Peasy – Gadgets to Make Your Life Easier
Click the title above to see where to buy the gadgets that the Jefferson U. occupational therapy students told us about. Also, click here for "Shopping Guide: Things to Look for in a Product." Click here to view the video of the presentation.
Smart Technology for Your Home and Health
The occupational therapy graduate students gave an informative presentation on all sorts of devices to make your life better and safer- smart thermostats, security systems, medication managers, and more. You can download the handout or view the YouTube recording by clicking on the links.
Aging Eyes and Low Vision Aids
An overview on the presentation on Aging Eyes and Low Vision Aids by Kylie Auman, D.O.
Another presentation by the occupational therapy students, as they led us through easy exercises to improve balance and strength. Have a sturdy chair before starting the video (one hour). You may also find the handout helpful.
Arlen Specter: Policy before Party
Evan Laine, MA, JD is the Faculty Director of the Arlen Specter Center at Jefferson University. In this Zoom presentation (55 minutes), he described a defining event in Specter's political career- his decision to break with his party and support the Obama stimulus package after the collapse of the housing market.
Queen Lane Water Treatment Plant Handouts
Click here for handouts explaining the water filtration system we toured. Philadelphia Water Use Cycle, Drinking Water Districts, Drinking Water Treatment, Water Treatment Vocabulary
Need a Lyft? Ride Sharing Options
From the program on Lyft, Uber, and GoGoGrandparent presented by Sue Burnett
Your Best Balance Workshop
Information and instructions on how the techniques presented by Chris McKenzie, DPT, of McKenzie Sports Physical Therapy.
From the "Cooking with Franco" program at Fiorino's on November 8, 2016
Notes from the October 8, 2014 program presented by Nora Cowell of the Visiting Nurse Association and Mary Fallon of UUH Outreach Program
Roger Marsh's presentation at the November 2015 program, "Advance Directives and other End-of-Life Decisions"
From the November 2015 program on Hospice Care presented by Bonnie Koletas of the Visiting Nurse Association
Notes from the May 13, 2014 program given by Christina Spolsky of Beau Soleil Gardens